Alongside standup comedy I am also available for corporate work, standup comedy for work events, after-dinner event hosting, event hosting and live Q&A hosting.

I hosted the Palace For Life Foundation Q&A evening with Crystal Palace manager Patrick Vieira in 2021, where the charity thanked participants for their fundraising efforts. I presented the evening, adding in humour and jokes alongside the serious element, and hosted the Q&A with the Arsenal legend, where he took questions from Palace’s Down Syndrome Eagles and promised them the chance to visit the training ground to meet the players.

You compered it beautifully, a perfect blend of seriousness and levity.
— Mike Summers, CEO of Palace For Life

In 2022 I chaired a Q&A with Ruby Wax in Oxford while on her book tour for her book “And Now For The Good News’.

In 2019 and 2021 I hosted the FYP Podcast LIVE with ex-Crystal Palace players Paddy McCarthy and Danny Butterfield.

In 2016 I hosted the Chesham United end of season awards.

For corporate bookings email